Etikettarkiv: biological clock

Your clock is ticking…!

This is soooo weird.  Or maybe it is a sign?  I tell you this much though:
If I thought I was over and free from developing any crisis for my upcoming 30th birthday I was wrong.   Today has certainly made sure that I will have an age crisis deluxe!

Earlier today I went to the doctor to have my foot checked. Nothing bad, just a mole that appeared from nowhere that I wanted to check just in case.
doctor The doctor was a very nice elderly gentleman whom I immediately liked. Even though they clearly were behind schedule (the waiting room was almost full and I got in almost 20 minutes later then my appointment was set to start) he took the time to not only reassuring me that I had nothing to worry about when it came to my foot, but he also took the time to make small talk and jokes. We had a really good chatand I almost felt like I wished he could have been my uncle or grandfather or something like that so I could have taken him out for a coffee.   And maybe that contributed to what happened next, I don’t know.  Anyhow, after talking about camping, leeches, football and my Swedish heritage for a while I thanked him, left his office where he was adding notes to my medical file and got out to pay. The doctor came out a few minutes after me and called in his next patient.  And 2 minutes later, while I was waiting for my receipt the doctor rushes out of his office – where his new patient was waiting for him – and came and stood next to me at the counter and this is what happened:

Doctor: There was something I forgot to tell you, when you were in my office.
Me: Ok?   (thinking that he had some more joke or comment about camping in winter)
Doctor : So, you and your partner, you are married right?  (politely smiling)
Me: No, not yet, But we’ll be getting there, eventually.   (smiling, waiting for the joke)
Doctor: well yes, because… Your clock is ticking. (Still smiling politely)
Me : How do you mean?  (not getting it)
Doctor: I am just saying that it is time.
Me: Ok…  (trying to get the hint) … you mean like (confused)…. time for…trying to have babies?
Doctor: (smiles and looks at me with his nice-doctor-look)
Me: (still confused) …cause my sister was implying the same thing last night….. do you mean like….. should I take this as some kind of sign…..?
Doctor: I am just saying that it is time. I say no more.
Me: ….Ok… I will think about that…. thank… you…?

Doctor then turned around and walked back to his office. I walked out from the clinic. Sooooo confused!

I just could not get my head around what had just happened:
had the doctor just seen my age as he was filling in my charts and remembered some new policy of advising  women to not wait too late to start having children?
Had he just felt a good connection between the two of us and wanted to give me, his new friend, some good old friendly advice?
Had he just remembered some kind of medical link between the sudden appearance of moles and reduced ability to reproduce?
Or is the universe trying to communicate that it is time for me to pop out a few mini-me:s?

I don’t know. I only know that the one thing I will remember is the statement that apparently my ”clock is ticking”.  it is weird. I always though that the inner biological clock was something that a woman was supposed to discover herself. Not having it handed to you from a nice doctor who has been looking at your left foot…..?!?!
Bwah-ha-ha-ha…. Am I laughing or crying here? can’t really tell myself to be honest  😉







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